Mobirise Website Builder v4.8.1

James Millington, PhD

Geographer & Landscape Ecologist

Reader in Landscape Ecology | Department of Geography | King's College London

simple site builder

I study landscapes and how they change, often by using computer models.

More elaborately, I'm an environmental geographer and landscape ecologist with expertise in developing bespoke computational and statistical modelling tools to investigate spatial ecological and socio-economic processes and their interaction.

My primary research foci are human impacts and interactions with wildfires, and the drivers and consequences of land use change. But I'm interested in all kinds of landscapes and ways to understand them. 

Keywords: Agent-Based Modelling | Fire | Land Use | Landscape Ecology | Telecoupling

Projects: BeModeLS | Centre for Wildfires | Telecoupling Brazil | WhyDAR | Humanitarian Mappers

Outputs: Publications | Code | Presentations | Posters

After previous incarnations that took up far too much of my time, this website is now very simple (the blog still exists, albeit dilapidated and abandoned). Use links above and below to see what I've been up to recently. Drop me a line if you want more detail or to strike up a conversation.

james.millington [at]